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City University of Seattle

Doctor of Business Administration with a Concentration in Global Management

2021 - 2025


Designed for professionals to develop advanced skills in organizational interventional thinking, agile business practices, leadership, and critical thinking while developing specialized business knowledge. 

Image by Thom Milkovic

                 'Any fool can know. The point is to understand.'

                                         Albert Einstein 

Image by Chalo Garcia

                 'The wise man thirsts for questions, not answers.'


The University of Tampa

Master of Business Administration (EMBA)

2018 - 2020

Courses address sustainability, innovation management, creative problem solving, and decision analysis, focusing on current trends and strategies. Hands-on, team approach: Students progress through the program as a team (known as a cohort), cultivating valuable business relationships and personal connections. Interact with professionals from diverse industries during lively classroom discussions.

Global learning: During the program's second year, students take a 10-day trip abroad to explore international business operations in countries such as Chile, South Africa and Portugal. Gain unique exposure to global commerce.

The University of Tampa

Bachelor of Science in Management

2015 - 2018

Knowledge attained in the fundamentals of business concepts to plan, organize, and improve an organization in any industry to include government. Basics of accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, information systems, and technology were major focuses.

Image by ryan haft
Image by Goji

                 'Wisdom is not the product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it.'


The University of Tampa

Bachelor of Science in Marketing

2015 - 2018

Encompasses advertising, promotion, sales, research, and international marketing. Business critical activities were a central focus in understanding and analyzing competitive behavior, the development of new products, and the management of relationships with suppliers, distributors, and consumers.

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