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Honor Flight Network

I have always enjoyed helping others and improving the community where people and nature live. My proudest times of giving back were to the elderly and children—particularly our veterans and the impoverished. 

The Honor Flight Network focused on bringing in veterans from all over the country to tour them at our nation's capital where many of our memorials are erected to honor those who have served and given the ultimate sacrifice. The organization prioritizes the veterans of World War II and the Korean War era, providing a first-class experience from start to finish. As Marine guardians, we supported this initiative by honoring our nation's heroes. 

Image by PartTime Portraits

 "You make a living by what you get.                      You make a life by what you give."


                                         Winston Churchill

 "In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact."


                             Les Brown 

Traditional Japanese Gate

 "Only a life lived for others is a life worth living."


                             Albert Einstein 

 "Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth."


                                         Muhammad Ali 


Special Olympics

One of the two notable organizations I've been happy to be a part of is the Kadena Special Olympics, held annually by the Department of The Air Force in Okinawa, Japan. It is hosted by the Air Force to bolster community relations with Japanese nationals. As distinguished guests, special needs children compete in a friendly Olympic-styled event for the youth to socialize and live a full life as any rightly deserves.

I hold volunteering dear to me in giving back to the community and improving the world. I look forward to continuing volunteering on issues that I find most important to myself.

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